Agave montana Blue Ocean T-20 - Ref.:04080-1-20 | Agaves and aloes

Agave montana Blue Ocean T-20

Agave montana Blue Ocean T-20 - Ref.:04080-1-20
This enormous, solitary agave slowly develops a form reminiscent of a hugeartichoke.This special cultivar has a very exclusive blue colour, with large teeth along the margins and a stout terminal spine.The large teeth create interesting imprints in the inner foliage.It is very tolerant of cold, heat,drought, and poor soils. Also tolerates part shade. It must be planted in well-drained soil and provide monthly irrigations.It's convenient don't water it too often in winter to improve its resistance to cold temperatures. It is desirable to avoid the snow that accumulates inside the leaves. Tª min approx -15/-16 ºC.


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escudo de MEIC 22/01/2027
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