Palms, Cycads and Dracaenas




Palm trees are very decorative and exotic plants although each has its own personality and its features. At the time of selecting a palm tree, it is important to know what final size we want to reach and what type of climate we have. It might be considered that most of the palm trees grow in tropical climates and not all of them can be adapted as an indoor plant. Our selection focuses primarily on those varieties rustic and that are as cold resistant as possible. Another important fact that affects to the hardiness of the palms is the degree of humidity, both environmentally and irrigation. In general terms a palm tree is always more resistant to cold if the moisture content is low and irrigation is maintained controlled.

Although there are some important pests in Europe affecting the palm trees, not all varieties are as sensitive or attractive to those pests of insects. It is important to know the resistance of each one to the insects and cares that it might require in the place of destination. In Canós nurseries we ensure that our plants are free of plague through monthly treatments to our entire production. These treatments give as the right to commercialize all our plants with the official phytosanitary passport.

Although it does not belong to the same botanical group, other species as cycads, macrozamias or dracaenas, given their similar appearance to palm trees, tend to be considered in the same group with palms. Each one of these groups includes countless species with different characteristics and needs so it is important to know them and become well informed about their care.
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escudo de MEIC 22/01/2027
Viveros Canós S.L. © PiensaNet