Agave Geminiflora T-20 - Ref.:43034-20 | Agaves and aloes

Agave Geminiflora T-20

Agave Geminiflora T-20 - Ref.:43034-20
This agave is amazingly versatile, tolerating exposures from full sun and reflected heat to full shade. It forms a dense, symmetrical rosette of narrow, dark green leaves. Many plants have very fine white filaments along the leaf margins. In full sun, the leaves are stiff and straight, while the leaves relax to form a softer silhouette in shady locations.The red flower stalk is a slender unbranched spike producing numerous pairs of yellow flowers tinged with red.This solitary agave dies after flowering but sometimes new pups replace the old plant. It is an excellent container plant.Plant in well-drained soil and provide monthly irrigations.It's convenient don't water it too often in winter to improve its resistance to cold temperatures. Tª min approx -7/-8 ºC.

Válido hasta el 22 de enero de 2027
escudo de MEIC 22/01/2027
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